A multifunction Discord bot
No port are required to run Red.
if you want to use the internal Lavalink Server, you need to allocate port 2333 as primary
When using the Audio Cog the bot will attempt to save files to /tmp resulting in a disk space error. You may also see this same error when attempting to install a cog, due to pip using /tmp to build the requirements. To resolve this error you must increase the size of tmpfs
using custom container policy.
For additional details see: https://pterodactyl.io/wings/1.0/configuration.html#other-values
Name | Tag |
ghcr.io/ptero-eggs/yolks:bot_red | ghcr.io/ptero-eggs/yolks:bot_red |
Name | Description | Environment Variable | Default Value | User Viewable | User Editable |
Discord Bot Token | Get your own token here - https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/ | TOKEN | GET_YOUR_OWN | Yes | Yes |
Command Prefix | The prefix for commands from the bot. | PREFIX | . | Yes | Yes |
Owner | Owner of the Bot to use special commands | OWNER | Yes | Yes |
# red-discordbot install script
## install deps
mkdir -p /usr/share/man/man1
apt update
apt -y install git ca-certificates dnsutils iproute2 make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev libgdbm-dev uuid-dev git openjdk-17-jre-headless
## config folder layouts
echo -e "generating config folder layout"
mkdir -p /mnt/server/.config/{Red-DiscordBot,share}/ /mnt/server/.local/share/Red-DiscordBot/data/pterodactyl/
cd /mnt/server/
ln -s .local/share/Red-DiscordBot/data/pterodactyl/ ./configs
## install red
echo -e "add container user to install"
ln -s /mnt/server/ /home/container
useradd -m -d /home/container container
chown -R container /mnt/server/
echo -e "install red locally as user"
pip install --upgrade pip
su - container -c 'pip install -U pip wheel'
su - container -c 'pip install -U Red-DiscordBot'
## ensure the config is in place if it doesn't exist
if [ ! -f /mnt/server/.config/Red-DiscordBot/config.json ]; then
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ptero-eggs/application-eggs/main/bots/discord/redbot/config.json -o /mnt/server/.config/Red-DiscordBot/config.json
echo "-------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Installation completed"
echo "-------------------------------------------------------"