A suite of tools for 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons players and Dungeon Masters.
This is a self-hosted mirror of https://5e.tools. It will clone a github repository mirror on install and update on container reboot.
Name | Tag |
ghcr.io/ptero-eggs/yolks:debian | ghcr.io/ptero-eggs/yolks:debian |
Name | Description | Environment Variable | Default Value | User Viewable | User Editable |
5e Tools Repository | Git Repository to use for cloning 5e Tools | REPOSITORY | https://github.com/5etools-mirror-1/5etools-mirror-1.github.io | No | No |
# 5e Tools install script
# Server Files: /mnt/server
declare -r DIR="/mnt/server"
declare -r CADDY_INSTALL_URL="https://caddyserver.com/api/download?os=linux&arch=amd64&idempotency=41554620449867"
declare -r LOCAL_REPO="${DIR}/5e-tools"
die() {
local message="$1"
printf "\n%s\n" "${message}"
exit 2
cd_error() {
die "ERROR: installation encountered an error while trying to change directory"
main() {
local git_origin
apt update
apt install -y wget
cd "${DIR}" || cd_error
printf "\nInstalling Caddy...\n"
wget "${CADDY_INSTALL_URL}" -O ./caddy
chmod +x ./caddy
printf "\nGenerating Caddy configuration...\n"
# this is a default config
# key variables, such as the port, will get overwritten with the pterodactyl
# configuration parser
cat <<EOF >"${DIR}/caddy.json"
"apps": {
"http": {
"servers": {
"srv0": {
"listen": [
"routes": [
"handle": [
"handler": "vars",
"root": "/home/container/5e-tools"
"encodings": {
"gzip": {},
"zstd": {}
"handler": "encode",
"prefer": [
"handler": "file_server"
git config --global pull.ff only
if [[ ! -d "${LOCAL_REPO}" ]]; then
printf "\nCloning latest version (this may take a while)...\n"
# $REPOSITORY is passed via environment variable from pterodactyl
git clone "${REPOSITORY}" "${LOCAL_REPO}"
cd "${LOCAL_REPO}" || cd_error
git_origin="$(git config --get remote.origin.url)"
cd "${DIR}" || cd_error
printf "\n\ngit origin is %s\n\n" "${git_origin}"
# if the user hasn't change the repository variable
if [[ "${git_origin}" == "${REPOSITORY}" ]]; then
cd "${LOCAL_REPO}" || cd_error
printf "\nRepository already installed - updating...\n"
git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master
git pull
cd "${DIR}" || cd_error
printf "\nRepository variable changed since last update\n...\n"
rm -rf "${LOCAL_REPO}"
git clone "${REPOSITORY}" "${LOCAL_REPO}"
printf "\nInstallation Complete\n"
main "@"