The World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database
2 Gigabytes minimum recommended
See here
Ports required to run the server in a table format.
Port | default |
Server | 5432 |
Name | Tag |
---|---| | |
Name | Description | Environment Variable | Default Value | User Viewable | User Editable |
Superuser Name | The username for the postgres superuser | PGUSER | pterodactyl | Yes | No |
Superuser Password | The postgres super user password with a strong default. You should be generating new ones for each server. If you don't then users can hit other users DB's | PGPASSWORD | Pl3453Ch4n63M3! | Yes | No |
#! /bin/ash
adduser -D -h /home/container container
chown -R container: /mnt/server/
su container -c 'initdb -D /mnt/server/postgres_db/ -A md5 -U "$PGUSER" --pwfile=<(echo "$PGPASSWORD")'
mkdir -p /mnt/server/postgres_db/run/
## Add default "allow from all" auth rule to pg_hba
if ! grep -q "# Custom rules" "/mnt/server/postgres_db/pg_hba.conf"; then
echo -e "# Custom rules\nhost all all md5" >> "/mnt/server/postgres_db/pg_hba.conf"
echo -e "Done"