Urban Terror started as a realism based "total conversion" mod for Quake III Arena. Nowadays, Urban Terror is played using the free, stand-alone, ioquake3 engine modified, which doesn't require Quake III Arena, in addition to being an add-on to id Software's Quake III Arena.
Urban Terrorâ„¢ is a free multiplayer first person shooter developed by FrozenSand, that will run on any Quake III Arena compatible engine. It is available for Windows, Linux and Macintosh.
Urban Terror can be described as a Hollywood tactical shooter; somewhat realism based, but the motto is "fun over realism". This results in a very unique, enjoyable and addictive game.
Bare Minimum | Recommended | |
Processor | Almost any proccessor will work | - |
RAM | 256 MiB | 512 MiB |
SWAP | 512 MiB | 512 MiB (Swap not needed if RAM is 1024MiB) |
Storage | 1500 MiB | 2000 MiB |
Network | Any reasonable speed | - |
Game Ownership | Not needed | The game is free, and server doesn't need the game to work. |
Port | default |
Game | 27960 |
Gamemodes: 0 = Free For All, 1 = Last Man Standing, 3 = Team DeathMatch, 4 = Team Survivor, 5 = Follow The Leader, 6 = Capture And Hold, 7 = Capture The Flag, 8 = Bomb Mode, 9 = Jump, 10 = Freeze Tag, 11 = Gun Game You can edit the Server.cfg in /home/container/q3ut4/server.cfg as you wish after creating the server.
Name | Tag |
ghcr.io/ptero-eggs/yolks:debian | ghcr.io/ptero-eggs/yolks:debian |
Name | Description | Environment Variable | Default Value | User Viewable | User Editable |
Version | 32bit / 64bit server version. it is recommended to use the 64bit server, unless you are experiencing issues. | EXE | x86_64 | Yes | Yes |
Hunkmegs | How much memory is allocated during server start up. Available options: 128, 160, 192, 256 MB | HUNKMEGS | 128 | Yes | Yes |
Server Hostname | Put your Servername into here. | SERVER_NAME | My Awesome Pterodactyl Server | Yes | Yes |
Join Message | The message the player will receive when joining the server. | JOIN_MESSAGE | Welcome to this Server, have fun! | Yes | Yes |
Max Players | Maximum players that can connect to the server. | SERVER_MAXCLIENTS | 16 | Yes | Yes |
RCON Password | Set the Rcon Password for Admin commands. Can be empty to disable RCON. | RCON_PASSWORD | Yes | Yes | |
Server Password | If you want to set a password to connect on the server set this here. | SERVER_PASSWORD | Yes | Yes | |
Map | Choose the initial Map the server should start with. (ONLY CHANGE IF YOU KNOW THE MAP IS EXISTING) Server wont start without it! | SERVER_MAP | ut4_casa | Yes | Yes |
Gametype / Gamemode | Sets the Gamemode you want to play. 1 = Last Man Standing, 2 = Free For All, 3 = Team DeathMatch, 4 = Team Survivor, 5 = Follow The Leader, 6 = Capture And Hold, 7 = Capture The Flag, 8 = Bomb Mode, 9 = Jump, 10 = Freeze Tag, 11 = Gun Game | SERVER_GAMETYPE | 3 | Yes | Yes |
Bots | Want to have bots in your game select how many you want. (More than 16 bots tend to crash the server or add lag, use with caution!) Disclaimer: "Bots are not officialy supported by FS!!!" | BOT_MINPLAYERS | 0 | Yes | Yes |
Map Timelimit | Time in minutes before map is over. (0 = never) | SERVER_TIMELIMIT | 10 | Yes | Yes |
Friendlyfire | Sets if friendlyfire is on or off. (Teamkill your teammates is bad hmmkay?) | SERVER_FRIENDLYFIRE | 1 | Yes | Yes |
mkdir -p /mnt/server
cd /mnt/server
apt update
apt -y install libxml2-utils sed #Install needed dependencies for the official Urban Terror Updater (Not for the Gameserver itself)
echo "Downloading Urban Terror"
curl -sSL -o UrTUpdater-Ded.sh https://github.com/FrozenSand/UrTUpdater/releases/download/v4.0.3-RC1/UrTUpdater-v4.0.3-Ded.sh
#Download from Github because the Webpage does not allow "direct Downloads"
echo "Updating Urban Terror" #Accept the EULA and input the needed variables to download the latest version of the Serverfiles (4.3.4 for now)
bash /mnt/server/UrTUpdater-Ded.sh << EOF
# Set up default configs
mv /mnt/server/q3ut4/server_example.cfg /mnt/server/q3ut4/server.cfg
mv /mnt/server/q3ut4/mapcycle_example.txt /mnt/server/q3ut4/mapcycle.txt
chmod +x /mnt/server/Quake3-UrT-Ded.x86_64
chmod +x /mnt/server/Quake3-UrT-Ded.i386
# Use sed to insert extra config options as many people ask for Bots ingame
sed -i '/\/\/pb_sv_enable/a\set bot_enable 1\nset bot_minplayers 0' /mnt/server/q3ut4/server.cfg
## install end
echo "-----------------------------------------"
echo "Installation completed..."
echo "-----------------------------------------"