Egg Repository

Pterodactyl Community Egg Repository

Swords 'n Magic and Stuff

Grab your friends and set out for adventure in a world of swords, magic, and stuff. Discover tons of cool loot, uncover hidden secrets, and meet new friends and foes along the way. Make your mark and find a place to call home in this cute, multiplayer, open world RPG

Read Me

Swords 'n Magic and Stuff

Grab your friends and set out for adventure in a world of swords, magic, and stuff. Discover tons of cool loot, uncover hidden secrets, and meet new friends and foes along the way. Make your mark and find a place to call home in this cute, multiplayer, open world RPG.


Because there is not yet a real console this egg uses a wrapper that prints the log file to the console but it is a continue loop so it will keep sending the contents of the latest log file to the console. The console does not accept any input.

There is a 30 seconds timeout before the wrapper will try to start the server as it needs to wait until the log file is written and the first lines are writen to that file.

first start

Because of the wrapper the first start of the console will show no logs. On first start wait for vcrun2019 to install. Then hit restart.

Server Ports

Port default
Game 7777
Query 27015
NameDescriptionEnvironment VariableDefault ValueUser ViewableUser Editable
App idSRCDS_APPID2058450NoNo
Auto updateAuto update the server on startupAUTO_UPDATE1YesYes
Query portThe port that Steam uses for clients to query the server (ping, etc)QUERY_PORT27015YesNo
Server nameThis is the server name used for your server. You must pick between 2 and 5 UNIQUE words (no duplicate words). The words are case insensitive The list of approved words changes can be found: `SNM2020/Saved/Logs/Allowed-Words.txt`SNM_NAMEYesYes
Admin steam idThis the Steam ID of the owner/admin of this server.SNM_OWNER_STEAM_IDYesYes
Server passwordThis is the server password; it is disabled by default.SNM_PASSWORDYesYes
Max playersYou can specify the maximum number of playersSNM_MAX_PLAYERS16YesNo
Reset timeThis is the number of days between resets.SNM_DAYS_UNTIL_RESET1YesYes
Reset timeThis is the local time of day when the server will reset. The format is HH:MM, and it is 24 hour format. Midnight => 00:00, 10:30AM => 10:30, 4:30PM => 16:30SNM_RESET_TIME_OF_DAY00:00YesYes
Install Script
# steamcmd Base Installation Script
# Server Files: /mnt/server
# Image to install with is ''

# Variables
# STEAM_USER, STEAM_PASS, STEAM_AUTH - Steam user setup. If a user has 2fa enabled it will most likely fail due to timeout. Leave blank for anon install.
# WINDOWS_INSTALL - if it's a windows server you want to install set to 1
# SRCDS_APPID - steam app id found here -
# SRCDS_BETAID - beta branch of a steam app. Leave blank to install normal branch
# SRCDS_BETAPASS - password for a beta branch should one be required during private or closed testing phases.. Leave blank for no password.
# INSTALL_FLAGS - Any additional SteamCMD  flags to pass during install.. Keep in mind that steamcmd auto update process in the docker image might overwrite or ignore these when it performs update on server boot.
# AUTO_UPDATE - Adding this variable to the egg allows disabling or enabling automated updates on boot. Boolean value. 0 to disable and 1 to enable.

# Install packages. Default packages below are not required if using our existing install image thus speeding up the install process.
#apt -y update
#apt -y --no-install-recommends install curl lib32gcc-s1 ca-certificates

## just in case someone removed the defaults.
if [[ "${STEAM_USER}" == "" ]] || [[ "${STEAM_PASS}" == "" ]]; then
    echo -e "steam user is not set.\n"
    echo -e "Using anonymous user.\n"
    echo -e "user set to ${STEAM_USER}"

## download and install steamcmd
cd /tmp
mkdir -p /mnt/server/steamcmd
curl -sSL -o steamcmd.tar.gz
tar -xzvf steamcmd.tar.gz -C /mnt/server/steamcmd
mkdir -p /mnt/server/steamapps # Fix steamcmd disk write error when this folder is missing
cd /mnt/server/steamcmd

# SteamCMD fails otherwise for some reason, even running as root.
# This is changed at the end of the install process anyways.
chown -R root:root /mnt
export HOME=/mnt/server

## install game using steamcmd
./ +force_install_dir /mnt/server +login ${STEAM_USER} ${STEAM_PASS} ${STEAM_AUTH} $( [[ "${WINDOWS_INSTALL}" == "1" ]] && printf %s '+@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows' ) +app_update ${SRCDS_APPID} $( [[ -z ${SRCDS_BETAID} ]] || printf %s "-beta ${SRCDS_BETAID}" ) $( [[ -z ${SRCDS_BETAPASS} ]] || printf %s "-betapassword ${SRCDS_BETAPASS}" ) ${INSTALL_FLAGS} validate +quit ## other flags may be needed depending on install. looking at you cs 1.6

## set up 32 bit libraries
mkdir -p /mnt/server/.steam/sdk32
cp -v linux32/ ../.steam/sdk32/

## set up 64 bit libraries
mkdir -p /mnt/server/.steam/sdk64
cp -v linux64/ ../.steam/sdk64/

## add below your custom commands if needed
mkdir -p /mnt/server/SNM2020/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/

if [ ! -f /mnt/server/SNM2020/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/Game.ini ]
    echo "The config file does not yet exists, making a new one"
    mv /mnt/server/SNM2020/Content/Docs/Dedicated-Server-Game.ini /mnt/server/SNM2020/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/Game.ini
    echo "Old config file found. Replacing it with a up to date one but a backup will be made"
    mv /mnt/server/SNM2020/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/Game.ini /mnt/server/SNM2020/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/Game-$(date "+%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S").ini.old
    mv /mnt/server/SNM2020/Content/Docs/Dedicated-Server-Game.ini /mnt/server/SNM2020/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/Game.ini

## install end
echo "-----------------------------------------"
echo "Installation completed..."
echo "-----------------------------------------"