FTB modpacks are now distributed through their own API. This egg was developed for support for modpacks that are distributed through this.
A generic service to pull FTB modpacks from api.feed-the-beast.com. There are 2 ways to install a server through this service. The first method only requires you to know the modpacks name and (optionally) version. The second method requires you to know the id for the modpack and (optionally) version in the api.
NOTE Not all FTB packs come with a server.properties file, due to this the server.properties file may not get updated with the correct ip address and port at first launch. Please restart the server after first launch to fix this.
If you have trouble using an neoforge pack, make sure to select the latest java.
The minecraft server requires a single port for access (default 25565) but plugins may require extra ports to enabled for the server.
Port | default |
Game | 25565 |
Name | Tag |
Java 8 | ghcr.io/ptero-eggs/yolks:java_8 |
Java 11 | ghcr.io/ptero-eggs/yolks:java_11 |
Java 16 | ghcr.io/ptero-eggs/yolks:java_16 |
Java 17 | ghcr.io/ptero-eggs/yolks:java_17 |
java 21 | ghcr.io/ptero-eggs/yolks:java_21 |
java 22 | ghcr.io/ptero-eggs/yolks:java_22 |
Name | Description | Environment Variable | Default Value | User Viewable | User Editable |
FTB Pack search term | the search term for finding the modpack. needs to be at least 4 characters long. Find out what term is needed by using the ftb app and searching with the term. make sure it only returns 1 result. can also be searched for via: https://api.feed-the-beast.com/v1/modpacks/public/modpack/search/8?term={SEARCHTERM} only needed if the modpack id and modpack version id is unknown. | FTB_SEARCH_TERM | Yes | Yes | |
FTB modpack ID | The FTB Api modpack ID. Needed if not using the search variable Example: FTB Interactions ID is 5. https://api.feed-the-beast.com/v1/modpacks/public/modpack/5 | FTB_MODPACK_ID | Yes | Yes | |
FTB Pack Version | what version of the modpack to install. leave empty if using the modpack version id variable. | FTB_VERSION_STRING | Yes | Yes | |
FTB Pack Version ID | The modpack api version ID. Leave this and FTB Pack Version empty to install latest. Example FTB Revelations version id for version "2.0.2" is 86. which would come out as: https://api.feed-the-beast.com/v1/modpacks/public/modpack/5/86 | FTB_MODPACK_VERSION_ID | Yes | Yes |
# FTB Pack Installation Script
# Server Files: /mnt/server
if [ ! -d /mnt/server ]; then
mkdir -p /mnt/server
cd /mnt/server || { echo "Failed to change into server directory"; exit 1; }
# Download needed software.
function install_required {
apt update
apt install -y curl jq
function get_modpack_id {
urlencode() {
local string="${1// /%20}"
echo "$string"
# if no modpack id is set and modpack search term is set.
if [ -z "${FTB_MODPACK_ID}" ] && [ -n "${FTB_SEARCH_TERM}" ]; then
encoded_search_term=$(urlencode "$FTB_SEARCH_TERM")
JSON_DATA=$(curl -sSL https://api.feed-the-beast.com/v1/modpacks/public/modpack/search/8?term="${encoded_search_term}")
# grabs the first modpack in array.
FTB_MODPACK_ID=$(echo -e "${JSON_DATA}" | jq -r ".packs[0]")
if [ -z "${FTB_MODPACK_VERSION_ID}" ] && [ -n "${FTB_VERSION_STRING}" ]; then
# grabs the correct version id matching the string.
FTB_MODPACK_VERSION_ID=$(curl -sSL https://api.feed-the-beast.com/v1/modpacks/public/modpack/"${FTB_MODPACK_ID}" | jq -r --arg VSTRING "${FTB_VERSION_STRING}" '.versions[] | select(.name == $VSTRING) | .id')
function run_installer {
# get architecture for installer
INSTALLER_TYPE=$([ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ] && echo "linux" || echo "arm/linux")
echo "ModpackID: ${FTB_MODPACK_ID} VersionID: ${FTB_MODPACK_VERSION_ID:-latest} InstallerType: ${INSTALLER_TYPE}"
# download installer
curl -Ls https://api.feed-the-beast.com/v1/modpacks/public/modpack/0/0/server/${INSTALLER_TYPE} --output serversetup
chmod +x ./serversetup
# remove old forge files (to allow updating)
rm -rf libraries/net/minecraftforge/forge
rm -rf libraries/net/neoforged/forge
rm -f unix_args.txt
# run installer
# shellcheck disable=SC2046
./serversetup -pack "${FTB_MODPACK_ID}" $([ -n "$FTB_MODPACK_VERSION_ID" ] && echo "-version $FTB_MODPACK_VERSION_ID") -no-colours -no-java -auto -force || { echo "Failed to run FTB Installer"; exit 1; }
# allows startup command to work
function move_startup_files {
# create symlink for forge unix_args.txt if exists
if compgen -G "libraries/net/minecraftforge/forge/*/unix_args.txt"; then
ln -sf libraries/net/minecraftforge/forge/*/unix_args.txt unix_args.txt
# create symlink for neoforge unix_args.txt if exists
if compgen -G "libraries/net/neoforged/forge/*/unix_args.txt"; then
ln -sf libraries/net/neoforged/forge/*/unix_args.txt unix_args.txt
# move forge/neoforge/fabric jar file to start-server.jar if exists
if compgen -G "forge-*.jar"; then
mv -f forge-*.jar start-server.jar
elif compgen -G "fabric-*.jar"; then
mv -f fabric-*.jar start-server.jar
# installer cleanup
function installer_cleanup {
rm serversetup
rm -f run.bat
rm -f run.sh
# run installation steps
echo "Finished installing FTB modpack"