Foundry VTT is a standalone application built for experiencing multiplayer tabletop RPGs using a feature-rich and modern self-hosted application where your players connect directly through the browser.
Foundry VTT is a standalone application built for experiencing multiplayer tabletop RPGs using a feature-rich and modern self-hosted application where your players connect directly through the browser.
Foundry requires a license. In order to use this egg, you will need to purchase a foundry license, select the linux platform from your profile on the website, and then paste the "Timed URL" into the variable when seting up the server.
Note that this egg only runs the node application. You will need to manage TLS, reverse proxying, etc. on your own.
This is a node application and only needs a single port that you will connect to over http(s)
Name | Tag |
---|---| | |
Name | Description | Environment Variable | Default Value | User Viewable | User Editable |
Timed URL | This is required to download the foundry files. Available in your profile after you've purchased a license. This link generally lasts for about 5 minutes. | TIMED_URL | Yes | Yes | |
Language | As may be expected, this setting configures the localization of the program and can be leveraged by localization modules to ensure that the interface is translated to the language of your choosing wherever possible. | FOUNDRY_LANGUAGE | en.core | Yes | Yes |
Update Channel | Select what channel you want to use for automatic updates | UPDATE_CHANNEL | release | Yes | Yes |
# FoundryVTT install script
# Server Files: /mnt/server
declare -r DIR_ROOT="/mnt/server"
declare -r DIR_APP="${DIR_ROOT}/app"
declare -r DIR_DATA="${DIR_ROOT}/data"
declare -r ZIP_FILE_NAME=""
main() {
apt update
apt install -y unzip
printf "\nBuilding directory structure...\n"
mkdir -p "${DIR_ROOT}/data/Config"
mkdir -p "${DIR_ROOT}/app"
# shellcheck disable=SC2164
cd "${DIR_APP}"
printf "\nDownloading FoundryVTT files...\n"
wget "${TIMED_URL}" -O "${ZIP_FILE_NAME}"
printf "\nunzipping FoundryVTT files...\n"
unzip "${ZIP_FILE_NAME}" -d "${DIR_APP}"
#rm "${ZIP_FILE_NAME}"
printf "\nGenerating default configuration...\n"
cat <<EOF >"${DIR_DATA}/Config/options.json"
"port": 30000,
"upnp": false,
"fullscreen": false,
"hostname": null,
"localHostname": null,
"routePrefix": null,
"sslCert": null,
"sslKey": null,
"awsConfig": null,
"dataPath": "/home/container/data",
"passwordSalt": null,
"proxySSL": false,
"proxyPort": null,
"minifyStaticFiles": true,
"updateChannel": "release",
"language": "en.core",
"upnpLeaseDuration": null,
"world": null
printf "Installation Done.\n"
main "@"