The Stay in Tarkov project was born due to Battlestate Games' (BSG) reluctance to create the pure PvE version of Escape from Tarkov. The project's aim is simple, create a Cooperation PvE experience that retains progression.
Run the server once to generate the necessary config files for the coop mod, then edit coopConfig.json
in /home/container/user/mods/SITCoop/config
with your external IPv4.
An Escape From Tarkov BepInEx module designed to be used with the SIT.Aki-Server-Mod with the ultimate goal of "Offline" Coop
To install the SIT client:
SIT Manager Method
.Ports required to run the server in a table format.
Port | default |
Game | 6969 |
SIT Mod Websocket | 6970 |
Nat Helper WebSocket | 6971 |
Installation script based on SIT.Docker.
SPT is a modding framework for Escape From Tarkov.
A SPT-Aki mod to be used with SPT-Aki Server to allow the Coop Module to communicate with the SPT-Aki Server.
Name | Tag |
---|---| | |
Name | Description | Environment Variable | Default Value | User Viewable | User Editable |
SITCoop Version | Version of the SIT co-op mod for the server. Use "latest" for latest release, or the github release/tag/hash. SITCoop: | SIT_VERSION | latest | Yes | Yes |
SIT Mod Github Package | Github package for the SIT Aki server co-op mod. SITCoop: | SIT_PACKAGE | stayintarkov/SIT.Aki-Server-Mod | No | No |
SIT Mod asset name | SIT mod release file's asset name. | SIT_NAME | SITCoop.tar.gz | No | No |
Github Username | Optional, a github username to use to avoid Github API rate limit | GITHUB_USER | No | Yes | |
Github OAuth token | Optional, A Github OAuth token to use to avoid API rate limit. | GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN | No | Yes |
# Stay In Tarkov Server Installation Script
mkdir -p /mnt/server
cd /mnt/server
# Install git-lfs python3
apt update && apt install -yq git-lfs python3 jq tar
if [ -z "${GITHUB_USER}" ] && [ -z "${GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN}" ] ; then
echo -e "using anon api call"
echo -e "user and oauth token set"
alias curl='curl -u ${GITHUB_USER}:${GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN} '
## Get SIT coop mod release info and download links
LATEST_JSON=$(curl --silent "${SIT_PACKAGE}/releases/latest")
RELEASES=$(curl --silent "${SIT_PACKAGE}/releases")
if [ -z "${SIT_VERSION}" ] || [ "${SIT_VERSION}" == "latest" ]; then
DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo ${LATEST_JSON} | jq .assets | jq -r .[].browser_download_url | grep -i linux)
VERSION_CHECK=$(echo ${RELEASES} | jq -r --arg VERSION "${SIT_VERSION}" '.[] | select(.tag_name==$VERSION) | .tag_name')
if [ "${SIT_VERSION}" == "${VERSION_CHECK}" ]; then
DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo ${RELEASES} | jq -r --arg VERSION "${SIT_VERSION}" '.[] | select(.tag_name==$VERSION) | .assets[].browser_download_url' | grep -i linux)
echo -e "defaulting to latest release"
DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo ${LATEST_JSON} | jq .assets | jq -r .[].browser_download_url)
tar -xvzf ${SIT_NAME}
rm ${SIT_NAME}