Impostor is one of the first Among Us private servers, written in C#. There are no special features at this moment, the goal is aiming to be as close as possible to the real server, for now. In a later stage, making modifications to game logic by modifying GameData packets can be looked at.
Impostor is one of the first Among Us private servers, written in C#. There are no special features at this moment, the goal is aiming to be as close as possible to the real server, for now. In a later stage, making modifications to game logic by modifying GameData packets can be looked at.
You MUST use Port 22023 for the Master Server. To host multiple servers, please read Impostor Multiple Servers Documentation.
Ports required to run the server in a table format.
Port | default |
Game | 22023 |
Name | Tag |
Dotnet_7 | |
Dotnet_6 | |
Name | Description | Environment Variable | Default Value | User Viewable | User Editable |
Download Version | Version to Download. Leave latest for the latest release. Find all releases at Note: versions start with a v, example: v1.8.0 | VERSION | latest | Yes | Yes |
apt update
apt -y install curl jq tar
mkdir -p /mnt/server
cd /mnt/server
## get release info and download links
LATEST_JSON=$(curl --silent "")
RELEASES=$(curl --silent "")
MATCH=$([[ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ]] && echo "linux-x64" || echo "linux-arm64")
if [ -z "${VERSION}" ] || [ "${VERSION}" == "latest" ]; then
DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo ${LATEST_JSON} | jq .assets | jq -r .[].browser_download_url | grep -i ${MATCH})
VERSION_CHECK=$(echo ${RELEASES} | jq -r --arg VERSION "${VERSION}" '.[] | select(.tag_name==$VERSION) | .tag_name')
if [ "${VERSION}" == "${VERSION_CHECK}" ]; then
DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo ${RELEASES} | jq -r --arg VERSION "${VERSION}" '.[] | select(.tag_name==$VERSION) | .assets[].browser_download_url' | grep -i ${MATCH})
echo -e "defaulting to latest release"
DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo ${LATEST_JSON} | jq .assets | jq -r .[].browser_download_url)
echo -e "\nDownloading from $DOWNLOAD_URL"
curl -sSL -o imposter-server.tar.gz $DOWNLOAD_URL
echo -e "\nUnpacking .tar.gz"
tar xvf imposter-server.tar.gz
rm imposter-server.tar.gz
chmod +x Impostor.Server
echo -e "\nInstall completed"