Egg Repository

Pterodactyl Community Egg Repository

Crewlink server

An egg designed to allow support for Proximity Chat in Among Us using CrewLink Server

Read Me

Among Us - CrewLink Server

From their Github

This project implements proximity voice chat in Among Us. Everyone in an Among Us lobby with this program running will be able to communicate over voice in-game, with no third-party programs required. Spatial audio ensures that you can only hear people close to you.

Server Port

Ports required to run the server in a table format.

Port default
Game 9736

Default port is 9736 but you can change to any port or domain/ip in the egg

NameDescriptionEnvironment VariableDefault ValueUser ViewableUser Editable
Github branchSet this to 'devel' if you wanna run a develop server.BRANCHmasterYesYes
DomainDomain of your server or ip of your serverADDRESSYesYes
Server nameSpecifiy the name of your Crewlink serverNAMEYesYes
Use HTTPSEnables https. You must place privkey.pem and fullchain.pem in your CWD.HTTPSYesYes
Path to SSLAlternate path to SSL certificates.SSLPATHYesYes
PortChoose the port your server should run onPORTYesYes
Install Script
# Server Files: /mnt/server
apt update
apt install -y git

mkdir -p /mnt/server
cd /mnt/server

echo -e Install repo set to ${INSTALL_REPO}
echo -e "/mnt/server is empty.\ncloning files from repo"
echo -e "running 'git clone --single-branch --branch ${BRANCH} ${INSTALL_REPO} .'"
git clone --single-branch --branch ${BRANCH} ${INSTALL_REPO} .

if [ -f /mnt/server/package.json ]; then
    /usr/local/bin/yarn install

echo -e "install complete"
exit 0